//Current language var currentLanguage = "de-DE"; var defaultUserLanguage = "de-DE"; //An array with language definitions var languagesCollection = [ { title: "<" + "IMG height=16 src=\"/qm/images/Flags/de-DE.ico\" " + "align=absMiddle> Deutsch", value: "de-DE" ,code: "de-DE" ,name: "Deutsch" } , { title: "<" + "IMG height=16 src=\"/qm/images/Flags/en-EN.ico\" " + "align=absMiddle> English", value: "en-EN" ,code: "en-EN" ,name: "English" } , { title: "<" + "IMG height=16 src=\"/qm/images/Flags/es-ES.ico\" " + "align=absMiddle> Español", value: "es-ES" ,code: "es-ES" ,name: "Español" } , { title: "<" + "IMG height=16 src=\"/qm/images/Flags/fr-FR.ico\" " + "align=absMiddle> Français ", value: "fr-FR" ,code: "fr-FR" ,name: "Français " } , { title: "<" + "IMG height=16 src=\"/qm/images/Flags/it-IT.ico\" " + "align=absMiddle> Italiano", value: "it-IT" ,code: "it-IT" ,name: "Italiano" } , { title: "<" + "IMG height=16 src=\"/qm/images/Flags/nl-NL.ico\" " + "align=absMiddle> Nederlands", value: "nl-NL" ,code: "nl-NL" ,name: "Nederlands" } ]; //Localized strings for JavaScript var additionalGlobalLocalizedStrings = { "LoginFailed": { "de-DE": "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen", "en-EN": "Login failed", "es-ES": "Login failed", "nl-NL": "Login failed", "it-IT": "Login failed", "fr-FR": "Login failed"} ,"PleaseSpecifyAPassword": { "de-DE": "Geben Sie zuerst ein Passwort ein!", "en-EN": "Please specify a password!", "es-ES": "Please specify a password!", "nl-NL": "Please specify a password!", "it-IT": "Please specify a password!", "fr-FR": "Please specify a password!"} ,"PleaseSpecifyALoginName": { "de-DE": "Geben Sie zuerst einen Benutzernamen ein!", "en-EN": "Please specify a login name!", "es-ES": "Please specify a login name!", "nl-NL": "Please specify a login name!", "it-IT": "Please specify a login name!", "fr-FR": "Please specify a login name!"} ,"VerifyingLoginData": { "de-DE": "Die Angaben werden überprüft", "en-EN": "Verifying login data", "es-ES": "Verifying login data", "nl-NL": "Verifying login data", "it-IT": "Verifying login data", "fr-FR": "Verifying login data"} ,"InternalException": { "de-DE": "Interner Fehler", "en-EN": "Internal error", "es-ES": "Internal error", "nl-NL": "Internal error", "it-IT": "Internal error", "fr-FR": "Internal error"} ,"UserChangeSucceeded": { "de-DE": "Benutzerwechsel erfolgreich", "en-EN": "User change succeeded", "es-ES": "User change succeeded", "nl-NL": "User change succeeded", "it-IT": "User change succeeded", "fr-FR": "User change succeeded"} ,"LoadingUserSpecificSettings": { "de-DE": "Einstellungen werden neu geladen", "en-EN": "Loading user specific settings", "es-ES": "Loading user specific settings", "nl-NL": "Loading user specific settings", "it-IT": "Loading user specific settings", "fr-FR": "Loading user specific settings"} ,"RefreshingView": { "de-DE": "Die Ansicht wird aktualisiert", "en-EN": "Refreshing the contents", "es-ES": "Refreshing the contents", "nl-NL": "Refreshing the contents", "it-IT": "Refreshing the contents", "fr-FR": "Refreshing the contents"} ,"ViewRefreshed": { "de-DE": "Ansicht aktualisiert!", "en-EN": "Contents refreshed!", "es-ES": "Contents refreshed!", "nl-NL": "Contents refreshed!", "it-IT": "Contents refreshed!", "fr-FR": "Contents refreshed!"} ,"UserLanguageIsBeingChanged": { "de-DE": "Bitte warten ... Die gewählte Sprache wird initiiert ... ", "en-EN": "Please wait ... The selected language is being initialized ...", "es-ES": "Cambiando el idioma, espere por favor ...", "nl-NL": "Even wachten aub ... De taal wordt geladen ...", "it-IT": "Aspette per favore ... Preparando la lingua selezionata ...", "fr-FR": "Attendez s'il vous plaît ... Initialisant le language choisi ..."} ,"OrgUnitIkNumber": { "de-DE": "", "en-EN": "IK-Number", "es-ES": "IK-Number", "nl-NL": "IK-Number", "it-IT": "IK-Number", "fr-FR": "IK-Number"} ,"OrgUnitIkNumberToolTip": { "de-DE": "Institutionskennzeichen", "en-EN": "IK-Number", "es-ES": "IK-Number", "nl-NL": "IK-Number", "it-IT": "IK-Number", "fr-FR": "IK-Number"} ,"OrgUnitAdditionalKey": { "de-DE": "Schlüssel", "en-EN": "Key", "es-ES": "Key", "nl-NL": "Key", "it-IT": "Key", "fr-FR": "Key"} ,"OrgUnitAdditionalKeyToolTip": { "de-DE": "Schlüssel wie Standort-Nummer u.ä.", "en-EN": "Some unique key of the org. unit", "es-ES": "Some unique key of the org. unit", "nl-NL": "Some unique key of the org. unit", "it-IT": "Some unique key of the org. unit", "fr-FR": "Some unique key of the org. unit"} ,"PleaseSpecifyASearchString": { "de-DE": "Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein!", "en-EN": "Please specify a search string first!", "es-ES": "Please specify a search string first!", "nl-NL": "Please specify a search string first!", "it-IT": "Please specify a search string first!", "fr-FR": "Please specify a search string first!"} ,"CancellingSearch": { "de-DE": "Die Suche wird abgebrochen ...", "en-EN": "Cancelling the search process ...", "es-ES": "Cancelling the search process ...", "nl-NL": "Cancelling the search process ...", "it-IT": "Cancelling the search process ...", "fr-FR": "Cancelling the search process ..."} ,"Warning_SearchResultsOver100": { "de-DE": "Ihre Suchanfrage hat mehr als 100 Ergebnisse geliefert.\nEs werden nur die ersten 100 dargestellt.", "en-EN": "Your search request matched more than 100 entries. \nOnly the first 100 will be displayed.", "es-ES": "Your search request matched more than 100 entries. \nOnly the first 100 will be displayed.", "nl-NL": "Your search request matched more than 100 entries. \nOnly the first 100 will be displayed.", "it-IT": "Your search request matched more than 100 entries. \nOnly the first 100 will be displayed.", "fr-FR": "Your search request matched more than 100 entries. \nOnly the first 100 will be displayed."} ,"SearchResultEntry_Singular": { "de-DE": "Eintrag", "en-EN": "match", "es-ES": "match", "nl-NL": "match", "it-IT": "match", "fr-FR": "match"} ,"SearchResultEntry_Plural": { "de-DE": "Einträge", "en-EN": "matches", "es-ES": "matches", "nl-NL": "matches", "it-IT": "matches", "fr-FR": "matches"} ,"SearchResults": { "de-DE": "Suchergebnisse", "en-EN": "Search results", "es-ES": "Search results", "nl-NL": "Search results", "it-IT": "Search results", "fr-FR": "Search results"} ,"ExceptionHandling_RequestFailedTryAgain": { "de-DE": "Ihre Anfrage konnte nicht fehlerfrei ausgeführt werden.\nBitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal", "en-EN": "Your request could not be processed at this time. \nPlease try again later", "es-ES": "Your request could not be processed at this time. \nPlease try again later", "nl-NL": "Your request could not be processed at this time. \nPlease try again later", "it-IT": "Your request could not be processed at this time. \nPlease try again later", "fr-FR": "Your request could not be processed at this time. \nPlease try again later"} ,"Warning_ActionNotPermitted": { "de-DE": "Dieser Vorgang ist nicht gestattet ", "en-EN": "This action is not allowed", "es-ES": "This action is not allowed", "nl-NL": "This action is not allowed", "it-IT": "This action is not allowed", "fr-FR": "This action is not allowed"} ,"DeleteData": { "de-DE": "Daten löschen ", "en-EN": "Delete data", "es-ES": "Delete data", "nl-NL": "Delete data", "it-IT": "Delete data", "fr-FR": "Delete data"} ,"RequestSucceed": { "de-DE": "Die Anfrage wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt", "en-EN": "The request has been successfully executed ", "es-ES": "The request has been successfully executed ", "nl-NL": "The request has been successfully executed ", "it-IT": "The request has been successfully executed ", "fr-FR": "The request has been successfully executed "} ,"RequestFailure": { "de-DE": "Die Anfrage kann nicht verarbeitet werden", "en-EN": "The request cannot be executed ", "es-ES": "The request cannot be executed", "nl-NL": "The request cannot be executed", "it-IT": "The request cannot be executed", "fr-FR": "The request cannot be executed"} ,"Warning_LoginNameIsInUse": { "de-DE": "Dieser Login-Name ist bereits vorhanden!\nGeben Sie bitte einen neuen Login-Namen ein, z.B. '{0}'!", "en-EN": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "es-ES": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "nl-NL": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "it-IT": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "fr-FR": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!"} ,"Verificating": { "de-DE": "Überprüfung", "en-EN": "Verification", "es-ES": "Verification", "nl-NL": "Verification", "it-IT": "Verification", "fr-FR": "Verification"} ,"Warning_PasswordConfirmationFailure": { "de-DE": "Die Passwortbestätigung stimmt nicht mit der ursprünglichen Eingabe überein!\nBitte wiederholen Sie die Eingabe!", "en-EN": "The password confirmation failed: the second password input does not match the first one!\nPlease check the data!", "es-ES": "The password confirmation failed: the second password input does not match the first one!\nPlease check the data!", "nl-NL": "The password confirmation failed: the second password input does not match the first one!\nPlease check the data!", "it-IT": "The password confirmation failed: the second password input does not match the first one!\nPlease check the data!", "fr-FR": "The password confirmation failed: the second password input does not match the first one!\nPlease check the data!"} ,"NoFontFamily": { "de-DE": "Keine Schriftart", "en-EN": "No font family", "es-ES": "No font family", "nl-NL": "No font family", "it-IT": "No font family", "fr-FR": "No font family"} ,"NoFontSize": { "de-DE": "Keine Schriftgröße", "en-EN": "No font size", "es-ES": "No font size", "nl-NL": "No font size", "it-IT": "No font size", "fr-FR": "No font size"} ,"SaveChanges": { "de-DE": "Änderungen speichern", "en-EN": "Save", "es-ES": "Save", "nl-NL": "Save", "it-IT": "Save", "fr-FR": "Save"} ,"CalculateTotalSums": { "de-DE": "Gesamtsummen neu berechnen", "en-EN": "Calculate Total Sums", "es-ES": "Calculate Total Sums", "nl-NL": "Calculate Total Sums", "it-IT": "Calculate Total Sums", "fr-FR": "Calculate Total Sums"} ,"ShowCalendar": { "de-DE": "Kalender anzeigen", "en-EN": "Show a calendar", "es-ES": "Show a calendar", "nl-NL": "Show a calendar", "it-IT": "Show a calendar", "fr-FR": "Show a calendar"} ,"WrongPassword": { "de-DE": "Falsches Passwort", "en-EN": "Wrong password", "es-ES": "Wrong password", "nl-NL": "Wrong password", "it-IT": "Wrong password", "fr-FR": "Wrong password"} ,"InitializingSearchForm": { "de-DE": "Das Suchformular wird vorbereitet", "en-EN": "Initializing the search form", "es-ES": "Initializing the search form", "nl-NL": "Initializing the search form", "it-IT": "Initializing the search form", "fr-FR": "Initializing the search form"} ,"SearchDialogueTitle": { "de-DE": "Suche", "en-EN": "Search", "es-ES": "Search", "nl-NL": "Search", "it-IT": "Search", "fr-FR": "Search"} ,"ChangesCouldNotBeSaved": { "de-DE": "Die Änderungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden", "en-EN": "The changes could not be saved", "es-ES": "The changes could not be saved", "nl-NL": "The changes could not be saved", "it-IT": "The changes could not be saved", "fr-FR": "The changes could not be saved"} ,"ChangesCouldNotBeApplied": { "de-DE": "Die Änderungen konnten nicht übernommen werden", "en-EN": "The changes could not be applied", "es-ES": "The changes could not be applied", "nl-NL": "The changes could not be applied", "it-IT": "The changes could not be applied", "fr-FR": "The changes could not be applied"} ,"ChangesSuccessfullyApplied": { "de-DE": "Die Änderungen wurden erfolgreich übernommen", "en-EN": "The changes have been successfully applied", "es-ES": "The changes have been successfully applied", "nl-NL": "The changes have been successfully applied", "it-IT": "The changes have been successfully applied", "fr-FR": "The changes have been successfully applied"} ,"ButtonComplete": { "de-DE": "Fertig stellen", "en-EN": "Complete", "es-ES": "Complete", "nl-NL": "Complete", "it-IT": "Complete", "fr-FR": "Complete"} ,"ExtendedUserSearch": { "de-DE": "Erweiterte Benutzersuche", "en-EN": "Extended user search", "es-ES": "Extended user search", "nl-NL": "Extended user search", "it-IT": "Extended user search", "fr-FR": "Extended user search"} ,"EnterCurrentPassword": { "de-DE": "Aktuelles Passwort eingeben", "en-EN": "Enter your current password", "es-ES": "Enter your current password", "nl-NL": "Enter your current password", "it-IT": "Enter your current password", "fr-FR": "Enter your current password"} ,"Exception_MissingParameterX": { "de-DE": "Der Parameter {0} wurde nicht übergeben", "en-EN": "Missing the parameter {0}", "es-ES": "Missing the parameter {0}", "nl-NL": "Missing the parameter {0}", "it-IT": "Missing the parameter {0}", "fr-FR": "Missing the parameter {0}"} ,"Button_Apply": { "de-DE": "Übernehmen", "en-EN": "Apply", "es-ES": "Apply", "nl-NL": "Apply", "it-IT": "Apply", "fr-FR": "Apply"} ,"CmsTableFullSizeMode": { "de-DE": "Vollbildmodus", "en-EN": "Maximize", "es-ES": "Maximize", "nl-NL": "Maximize", "it-IT": "Maximize", "fr-FR": "Maximize"} ,"CmsTableFullSizeMode_Tooltip": { "de-DE": "Die aktuelle Tabelle im Vollbildmodus anzeigen", "en-EN": "Display the table in the full screen mode", "es-ES": "Display the table in the full screen mode", "nl-NL": "Display the table in the full screen mode", "it-IT": "Display the table in the full screen mode", "fr-FR": "Display the table in the full screen mode"} ,"CmsTableNormalSizeMode": { "de-DE": "Normalansicht", "en-EN": "Normal size", "es-ES": "Normal size", "nl-NL": "Normal size", "it-IT": "Normal size", "fr-FR": "Normal size"} ,"CmsTableNormalSizeMode_Tooltip": { "de-DE": "Vollbildmodus beenden", "en-EN": "Cancel the full screen mode", "es-ES": "Cancel the full screen mode", "nl-NL": "Cancel the full screen mode", "it-IT": "Cancel the full screen mode", "fr-FR": "Cancel the full screen mode"} ,"UnknownUser": { "de-DE": "Unbekannt", "en-EN": "Unknown", "es-ES": "Unknown", "nl-NL": "Unknown", "it-IT": "Unknown", "fr-FR": "Unknown"} ,"Warning_ActionNotPermitted": { "de-DE": "Dieser Vorgang ist nicht gestattet ", "en-EN": "This action is not allowed", "es-ES": "This action is not allowed", "nl-NL": "This action is not allowed", "it-IT": "This action is not allowed", "fr-FR": "This action is not allowed"} ,"DeleteData": { "de-DE": "Daten löschen ", "en-EN": "Delete data", "es-ES": "Delete data", "nl-NL": "Delete data", "it-IT": "Delete data", "fr-FR": "Delete data"} ,"RequestSucceed": { "de-DE": "Die Anfrage wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt", "en-EN": "The request has been successfully executed ", "es-ES": "The request has been successfully executed ", "nl-NL": "The request has been successfully executed ", "it-IT": "The request has been successfully executed ", "fr-FR": "The request has been successfully executed "} ,"RequestFailure": { "de-DE": "Die Anfrage kann nicht verarbeitet werden", "en-EN": "The request cannot be executed ", "es-ES": "The request cannot be executed", "nl-NL": "The request cannot be executed", "it-IT": "The request cannot be executed", "fr-FR": "The request cannot be executed"} ,"Warning_LoginNameIsInUse": { "de-DE": "Dieser Login-Name ist bereits vorhanden!\nGeben Sie bitte einen neuen Login-Namen ein, z.B. '{0}'!", "en-EN": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "es-ES": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "nl-NL": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "it-IT": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!", "fr-FR": "The login name you specified is already in use!\nPlease enter a different login name, e.g. '{0}'!"} ,"Verificating": { "de-DE": "Überprüfung", "en-EN": "Verification", "es-ES": "Verification", "nl-NL": "Verification", "it-IT": "Verification", "fr-FR": "Verification"} ,"NoFontFamily": { "de-DE": "Keine Schriftart", "en-EN": "No font family", "es-ES": "No font family", "nl-NL": "No font family", "it-IT": "No font family", "fr-FR": "No font family"} ,"NoFontSize": { "de-DE": "Keine Schriftgröße", "en-EN": "No font size", "es-ES": "No font size", "nl-NL": "No font size", "it-IT": "No font size", "fr-FR": "No font size"} ,"TreeView_NewNode": { "de-DE": "Neuer Punkt", "en-EN": "New item", "es-ES": "New item", "nl-NL": "New item", "it-IT": "New item", "fr-FR": "New item"} ,"ExpandReduceAllNodes": { "de-DE": "Alle Punkte erweitern/reduzieren", "en-EN": "Expand/reduce all nodes", "es-ES": "Expand/reduce all nodes", "nl-NL": "Expand/reduce all nodes", "it-IT": "Expand/reduce all nodes", "fr-FR": "Expand/reduce all nodes"} ,"RenameSelectedNode": { "de-DE": "Den ausgewählten Punkt umbenennen (F2)", "en-EN": "Rename the selected node (F2)", "es-ES": "Rename the selected node (F2)", "nl-NL": "Rename the selected node (F2)", "it-IT": "Rename the selected node (F2)", "fr-FR": "Rename the selected node (F2)"} ,"EditNode": { "de-DE": "Den ausgewählten Punkt bearbeiten", "en-EN": "Edit the selected node", "es-ES": "Edit the selected node", "nl-NL": "Edit the selected node", "it-IT": "Edit the selected node", "fr-FR": "Edit the selected node"} ,"DeleteNode": { "de-DE": "Den ausgewählten Punkt löschen (Del)", "en-EN": "Delete the selected node (Del)", "es-ES": "Delete the selected node (Del)", "nl-NL": "Delete the selected node (Del)", "it-IT": "Delete the selected node (Del)", "fr-FR": "Delete the selected node (Del)"} ,"CopyNode": { "de-DE": "Kopie der ausgewählten Organisationseinheit erstellen", "en-EN": "Create a copy of the selected node", "es-ES": "Create a copy of the selected node", "nl-NL": "Create a copy of the selected node", "it-IT": "Create a copy of the selected node", "fr-FR": "Create a copy of the selected node"} ,"InsertSiblingNodeBefore": { "de-DE": "Einen neuen Punkt oberhalb des ausgewählten hinzufügen", "en-EN": "Insert a new node before the selected node", "es-ES": "Insert a new node before the selected node", "nl-NL": "Insert a new node before the selected node", "it-IT": "Insert a new node before the selected node", "fr-FR": "Insert a new node before the selected node"} ,"InsertSiblingNodeAfter": { "de-DE": "Einen neuen Punkt unterhalb des ausgewählten hinzufügen", "en-EN": "Insert a new node after the selected node", "es-ES": "Insert a new node after the selected node", "nl-NL": "Insert a new node after the selected node", "it-IT": "Insert a new node after the selected node", "fr-FR": "Insert a new node after the selected node"} ,"InsertChildNode": { "de-DE": "Einen Unterpunkt hinzufügen", "en-EN": "Insert a child node", "es-ES": "Insert a child node", "nl-NL": "Insert a child node", "it-IT": "Insert a child node", "fr-FR": "Insert a child node"} ,"MoveNodeUp": { "de-DE": "Den ausgewählten Punkt eine Position nach oben verschieben", "en-EN": "Move the selected node up", "es-ES": "Move the selected node up", "nl-NL": "Move the selected node up", "it-IT": "Move the selected node up", "fr-FR": "Move the selected node up"} ,"MoveNodeDown": { "de-DE": "Den ausgewählten Punkt eine Position nach unten verschieben", "en-EN": "Move the selected node down", "es-ES": "Move the selected node down", "nl-NL": "Move the selected node down", "it-IT": "Move the selected node down", "fr-FR": "Move the selected node down"} ,"OpenAllSubnodes": { "de-DE": "Alle Unterpunkte öffnen", "en-EN": "Open all subnodes", "es-ES": "Open all subnodes", "nl-NL": "Open all subnodes", "it-IT": "Open all subnodes", "fr-FR": "Open all subnodes"} ,"CloseAllSubnodes": { "de-DE": "Alle Unterpunkte schließen", "en-EN": "Close all subnodes", "es-ES": "Close all subnodes", "nl-NL": "Close all subnodes", "it-IT": "Close all subnodes", "fr-FR": "Close all subnodes"} ,"AddNewNode": { "de-DE": "Neuen Punkt hinzufügen", "en-EN": "Add new node", "es-ES": "Add new node", "nl-NL": "Add new node", "it-IT": "Add new node", "fr-FR": "Add new node"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_Options": { "de-DE": "Optionen", "en-EN": "Options", "es-ES": "Options", "nl-NL": "Options", "it-IT": "Options", "fr-FR": "Options"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_MoveNodeDown": { "de-DE": "Nach unten verschieben", "en-EN": "Move down", "es-ES": "Move down", "nl-NL": "Move down", "it-IT": "Move down", "fr-FR": "Move down"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_MoveNodeUp": { "de-DE": "Nach oben verschieben", "en-EN": "Move up", "es-ES": "Move up", "nl-NL": "Move up", "it-IT": "Move up", "fr-FR": "Move up"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_AddChildNode": { "de-DE": "Unterpunkt hinzufügen", "en-EN": "Add child node", "es-ES": "Add child node", "nl-NL": "Add child node", "it-IT": "Add child node", "fr-FR": "Add child node"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_AddSiblingAfter": { "de-DE": "Neuen Punkt unterhalb einfügen", "en-EN": "Add sibling node after", "es-ES": "Add sibling node after", "nl-NL": "Add sibling node after", "it-IT": "Add sibling node after", "fr-FR": "Add sibling node after"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_AddSiblingBefore": { "de-DE": "Neuen Punkt oberhalb einfügen", "en-EN": "Add sibling node before", "es-ES": "Add sibling node before", "nl-NL": "Add sibling node before", "it-IT": "Add sibling node before", "fr-FR": "Add sibling node before"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_CopyNode": { "de-DE": "Kopieren", "en-EN": "Copy", "es-ES": "Copy", "nl-NL": "Copy", "it-IT": "Copy", "fr-FR": "Copy"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_DeleteNode": { "de-DE": "Entfernen (Del)", "en-EN": "Remove (Del)", "es-ES": "Remove (Del)", "nl-NL": "Remove (Del)", "it-IT": "Remove (Del)", "fr-FR": "Remove (Del)"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_EditNode": { "de-DE": "Bearbeiten", "en-EN": "Edit", "es-ES": "Edit", "nl-NL": "Edit", "it-IT": "Edit", "fr-FR": "Edit"} ,"TreeNodeContextMenu_RenameNode": { "de-DE": "Umbenennen (F2)", "en-EN": "Rename (F2)", "es-ES": "Rename (F2)", "nl-NL": "Rename (F2)", "it-IT": "Rename (F2)", "fr-FR": "Rename (F2)"} ,"TreeView_ExtendedSearch": { "de-DE": "Erweiterte Suche", "en-EN": "Extended search", "es-ES": "Extended search", "nl-NL": "Extended search", "it-IT": "Extended search", "fr-FR": "Extended search"} ,"TreeView_ExtendedSearch_Keyword": { "de-DE": "Stichwort", "en-EN": "Keyword", "es-ES": "Keyword", "nl-NL": "Keyword", "it-IT": "Keyword", "fr-FR": "Keyword"} ,"LoadingTreeView": { "de-DE": "Baumstruktur laden", "en-EN": "Loading the tree", "es-ES": "Loading the tree", "nl-NL": "Loading the tree", "it-IT": "Loading the tree", "fr-FR": "Loading the tree"} ,"LoadingSubnodes": { "de-DE": "Unterpunkte laden", "en-EN": "Loading subnodes", "es-ES": "Loading subnodes", "nl-NL": "Loading subnodes", "it-IT": "Loading subnodes", "fr-FR": "Loading subnodes"} ,"HandleTreeViewSoapErrors": { "de-DE": "Bei der Ausführung des Befehls \"{0}\" ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten!", "en-EN": "An unknown error occured while processing the request \"{0}\"!", "es-ES": "An unknown error occured while processing the request \"{0}\"!", "nl-NL": "An unknown error occured while processing the request \"{0}\"!", "it-IT": "An unknown error occured while processing the request \"{0}\"!", "fr-FR": "An unknown error occured while processing the request \"{0}\"!"} ,"Opening": { "de-DE": "Öffne", "en-EN": "Opening", "es-ES": "Opening", "nl-NL": "Opening", "it-IT": "Opening", "fr-FR": "Opening"} ,"ExceptionHandling_TreeViewLoadingFailed": { "de-DE": "Die Struktur konnte nicht geladen werden!", "en-EN": "The structure could not be loaded!", "es-ES": "The structure could not be loaded!", "nl-NL": "The structure could not be loaded!", "it-IT": "The structure could not be loaded!", "fr-FR": "The structure could not be loaded!"} ,"ExceptionHandling_DocumentsListLoadingFailed": { "de-DE": "Die Dokumentenliste konnte nicht geladen werden!", "en-EN": "The documents list could not be loaded!", "es-ES": "The documents list could not be loaded!", "nl-NL": "The documents list could not be loaded!", "it-IT": "The documents list could not be loaded!", "fr-FR": "The documents list could not be loaded!"} ,"ConfirmationBeforeDeletingTreeNode": { "de-DE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Punkt löschen möchten?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?"} ,"ConfirmationBeforeDeletingTreeNodeWithChildren": { "de-DE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Punkt mit allen Unterpunkten löschen möchten?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to delete this item with all dependent subitems?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to delete this item with all dependent subitems?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to delete this item with all dependent subitems?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to delete this item with all dependent subitems?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to delete this item with all dependent subitems?"} ,"ConfirmationBeforeOpeningAllTreeNodes": { "de-DE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Unterpunkte öffnen möchten?\nDies kann unter Umständen viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen und Ihren Browser während der Ausführung blockieren.\nTrotzdem fortfahren?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to open all subnodes?\nThis might take a lot of time and even make your browser \"freeze\".\nProceed?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to open all subnodes?\nThis might take a lot of time and even make your browser \"freeze\".\nProceed?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to open all subnodes?\nThis might take a lot of time and even make your browser \"freeze\".\nProceed?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to open all subnodes?\nThis might take a lot of time and even make your browser \"freeze\".\nProceed?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to open all subnodes?\nThis might take a lot of time and even make your browser \"freeze\".\nProceed?"} ,"TreeView_CopyOf": { "de-DE": "Kopie von", "en-EN": "Copy of", "es-ES": "Copy of", "nl-NL": "Copy of", "it-IT": "Copy of", "fr-FR": "Copy of"} ,"Intranet_Warning_NoHomepagesFound": { "de-DE": "Keinen passenden Einträge gefunden ", "en-EN": "No matching homepages found", "es-ES": "No matching homepages found", "nl-NL": "No matching homepages found", "it-IT": "No matching homepages found", "fr-FR": "No matching homepages found"} ,"IntranetMenuItems_Survey": { "de-DE": "Umfrage", "en-EN": "Survey", "es-ES": "Survey", "nl-NL": "Survey", "it-IT": "Survey", "fr-FR": "Survey"} ,"IntranetMenuItems_SurveyEvaluation": { "de-DE": "Auswertung", "en-EN": "Evaluation", "es-ES": "Evaluation", "nl-NL": "Evaluation", "it-IT": "Evaluation", "fr-FR": "Evaluation"} ,"NavigationManager_PromptForEnteringTemplateCopyName": { "de-DE": "Geben Sie bitte einen Namen für die Kopie ein", "en-EN": "Please enter a name for the copy", "es-ES": "Please enter a name for the copy", "nl-NL": "Please enter a name for the copy", "it-IT": "Please enter a name for the copy", "fr-FR": "Please enter a name for the copy"} ,"StartNewSession": { "de-DE": "Neue Sitzung beginnen", "en-EN": "Start a new session", "es-ES": "Start a new session", "nl-NL": "Start a new session", "it-IT": "Start a new session", "fr-FR": "Start a new session"} ,"ApplySessionChanges": { "de-DE": "Sitzungsänderungen übernehmen", "en-EN": "Apply session changes", "es-ES": "Apply session changes", "nl-NL": "Apply session changes", "it-IT": "Apply session changes", "fr-FR": "Apply session changes"} ,"CancelSession": { "de-DE": "Sitzung beenden", "en-EN": "Cancel session", "es-ES": "Cancel session", "nl-NL": "Cancel session", "it-IT": "Cancel session", "fr-FR": "Cancel session"} ,"OrgUnitIkNumber": { "de-DE": "IK-Nummer", "en-EN": "IK-Number", "es-ES": "IK-Number", "nl-NL": "IK-Number", "it-IT": "IK-Number", "fr-FR": "IK-Number"} ,"SessionStartedAt": { "de-DE": "Begonnen am", "en-EN": "Started at", "es-ES": "Started at", "nl-NL": "Started at", "it-IT": "Started at", "fr-FR": "Started at"} ,"SessionStartedBy": { "de-DE": "von", "en-EN": "by", "es-ES": "by", "nl-NL": "by", "it-IT": "by", "fr-FR": "by"} ,"WarningAboutOtherRunningSessions": { "de-DE": "Achtung. Es wurden bereits folgende Sitzungen gestartet", "en-EN": "Warning. There are other open sessions at this moment", "es-ES": "Warning. There are other open sessions at this moment", "nl-NL": "Warning. There are other open sessions at this moment", "it-IT": "Warning. There are other open sessions at this moment", "fr-FR": "Warning. There are other open sessions at this moment"} ,"SessionManagement_CofirmationBeforeApplyingSessionChanges": { "de-DE": "Möchten Sie die aktuellen Änderungen wirklich in das produktive System übertragen?\nBitte bedenken Sie, dass sich die Änderungen u.a. auf die bestehenden Berechtigungen im System auswirken werden", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to apply the changes to the production system?\nPlease note that the changes will affect the current permissions of the system", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to apply the changes to the production system?\nPlease note that the changes will affect the current permissions of the system", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to apply the changes to the production system?\nPlease note that the changes will affect the current permissions of the system", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to apply the changes to the production system?\nPlease note that the changes will affect the current permissions of the system", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to apply the changes to the production system?\nPlease note that the changes will affect the current permissions of the system"} ,"SessionManagement_ApplyingSessionChanges": { "de-DE": "Sitzungsänderungen werden ins System übertragen", "en-EN": "Applying session changes", "es-ES": "Applying session changes", "nl-NL": "Applying session changes", "it-IT": "Applying session changes", "fr-FR": "Applying session changes"} ,"SessionManagement_YourChangesHaveBeenApplied": { "de-DE": "Ihre Änderungen wurde vollständig übernommen!", "en-EN": "Your changes have been successfully applied!", "es-ES": "Your changes have been successfully applied!", "nl-NL": "Your changes have been successfully applied!", "it-IT": "Your changes have been successfully applied!", "fr-FR": "Your changes have been successfully applied!"} ,"SessionManagement_CofirmationBeforeCancellingSessionChanges": { "de-DE": "Möchten Sie die aktuellen Änderungen wirklich verwerfen und die Sitzung beenden?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to discard the current changes und to cancel the session?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to discard the current changes und to cancel the session?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to discard the current changes und to cancel the session?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to discard the current changes und to cancel the session?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to discard the current changes und to cancel the session?"} ,"SessionManagement_SessionCancelled": { "de-DE": "Die Sitzung wurde erfolgreich beendet!", "en-EN": "The session has been successfully cancelled!", "es-ES": "The session has been successfully cancelled!", "nl-NL": "The session has been successfully cancelled!", "it-IT": "The session has been successfully cancelled!", "fr-FR": "The session has been successfully cancelled!"} ,"UserAssignment_SelectedUser": { "de-DE": "Ausgewählter Mitarbeiter", "en-EN": "Selected user", "es-ES": "Selected user", "nl-NL": "Selected user", "it-IT": "Selected user", "fr-FR": "Selected user"} ,"UserAssignment_NoOrgUnitsAssigned": { "de-DE": "Keine", "en-EN": "None", "es-ES": "None", "nl-NL": "None", "it-IT": "None", "fr-FR": "None"} ,"UserAssignment_ConfirmationBeforeAssigningAllOrgUnits2_SeveralUsers": { "de-DE": "Möchten Sie wirklich alle Organisationseinheiten den ausgewählten Mitarbeitern zuweisen?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected users?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected users?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected users?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected users?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected users?"} ,"UserAssignment_ConfirmationBeforeAssigningAllOrgUnits2_SingleUser": { "de-DE": "Möchten Sie wirklich alle Organisationseinheiten dem ausgewählten Mitarbeiter zuweisen?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected user?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected user?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected user?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected user?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to assign all org. units to the selected user?"} ,"UserAssignment_ConfirmationBeforeAssigningAllOrgUnitsWithVerticalInheritance": { "de-DE": "Möchten Sie die automatische Vererbung aktivieren?\nD.h. soll die Zuweisung automatisch auf die neuen Organisationseinheiten übertragen werden?", "en-EN": "Do you want to use the vertical inheritance? \nI.e. should the assignement be automatically applied to the new child org. units of the selected one?", "es-ES": "Do you want to use the vertical inheritance? \nI.e. should the assignement be automatically applied to the new child org. units of the selected one?", "nl-NL": "Do you want to use the vertical inheritance? \nI.e. should the assignement be automatically applied to the new child org. units of the selected one?", "it-IT": "Do you want to use the vertical inheritance? \nI.e. should the assignement be automatically applied to the new child org. units of the selected one?", "fr-FR": "Do you want to use the vertical inheritance? \nI.e. should the assignement be automatically applied to the new child org. units of the selected one?"} ,"UserAssignment_SelectedUsers": { "de-DE": "Ausgewählte Mitarbeiter", "en-EN": "Selected users", "es-ES": "Selected users", "nl-NL": "Selected users", "it-IT": "Selected users", "fr-FR": "Selected users"} ,"OrganizationalUnits_Exception_MissingSessionId": { "de-DE": "Der Parameter Sitzungs-ID wurde nicht übergeben", "en-EN": "Missing a session id", "es-ES": "Missing a session id", "nl-NL": "Missing a session id", "it-IT": "Missing a session id", "fr-FR": "Missing a session id"} ,"OrganizationalUnits_Exception_CancellingSession": { "de-DE": "Die Sitzung konnte nicht beendet werden", "en-EN": "Cancelling the session failed", "es-ES": "Cancelling the session failed", "nl-NL": "Cancelling the session failed", "it-IT": "Cancelling the session failed", "fr-FR": "Cancelling the session failed"} ,"Permissions": { "de-DE": "Berechtigungen", "en-EN": "Permissions", "es-ES": "Permissions", "nl-NL": "Permissions", "it-IT": "Permissions", "fr-FR": "Permissions"} ,"HomepageManagement_IntranetWeb": { "de-DE": "Intranet-Web", "en-EN": "Intranet web", "es-ES": "Intranet web", "nl-NL": "Intranet web", "it-IT": "Intranet web", "fr-FR": "Intranet web"} ,"HomepageManagement_AuthorUnknown": { "de-DE": "Unbekannt", "en-EN": "Unknown", "es-ES": "Unknown", "nl-NL": "Unknown", "it-IT": "Unknown", "fr-FR": "Unknown"} ,"HomepageManagement_PageReleasedBy": { "de-DE": "Freigabe durch {0}", "en-EN": "Released by {0}", "es-ES": "Released by {0}", "nl-NL": "Released by {0}", "it-IT": "Released by {0}", "fr-FR": "Released by {0}"} ,"HomepageManagement_PageReleased": { "de-DE": "Freigegeben", "en-EN": "Released", "es-ES": "Released", "nl-NL": "Released", "it-IT": "Released", "fr-FR": "Released"} ,"HomepageManagement_PageNotReleased": { "de-DE": "Nicht freigegeben", "en-EN": "Not released", "es-ES": "Not released", "nl-NL": "Not released", "it-IT": "Not released", "fr-FR": "Not released"} ,"HomepageManagement_Warning_PleaseSpecifyLinkName": { "de-DE": "Bitte geben Sie eine Link-Bezeichnung an!", "en-EN": "Please specify a link name!", "es-ES": "Please specify a link name!", "nl-NL": "Please specify a link name!", "it-IT": "Please specify a link name!", "fr-FR": "Please specify a link name!"} ,"HomepageManagement_ConfirmationBeforeUpdatingAllIntranetNavigations": { "de-DE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Intranet-Navigation von allen Webauftritten aktualisieren möchten?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to update all intranet navigations?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to update all intranet navigations?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to update all intranet navigations?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to update all intranet navigations?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to update all intranet navigations?"} ,"HomepageManagement_ConfirmationBeforeUpdatingIntranetNavigation": { "de-DE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die aktuellen Änderungen in die Intranet-Navigation des aktuellen Webs übertragen möchten?", "en-EN": "Are you sure you want to update the intranet navigation of the selected web?", "es-ES": "Are you sure you want to update the intranet navigation of the selected web?", "nl-NL": "Are you sure you want to update the intranet navigation of the selected web?", "it-IT": "Are you sure you want to update the intranet navigation of the selected web?", "fr-FR": "Are you sure you want to update the intranet navigation of the selected web?"} ,"HomepageManagement_UpdatingIntranetNavigation": { "de-DE": "Die Intranet-Navigation wird aktualisiert", "en-EN": "Updating the intranet navigation", "es-ES": "Updating the intranet navigation", "nl-NL": "Updating the intranet navigation", 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